Thursday 15 October 2015

A long cold winter is melting away
 a single flower was spotted today,
The burning sun melts the snow away
leaving little drops of water starting to go away,
The grass is green
flowers are rainbows
the bees are buzzing
making the birds tweet away
 By Tegan and Gracie

Spring Poem

Spring ignites the flames of life,
The flowers are blooming into a pretty sight,
The sun is using all its light,
 to melt the snow from before,
The waves are getting warmer
as they wash against the shore.
Every new season, is there for a reason.
Life keeps changing,
Just keep rearranging.
Bees are buzzing to fields of flowers,
giving the world magical powers.
Animals come out from hibernation,
getting ready for a celebration.

 By Sophie and Claire

 A Spring Poem

It starts to go rainy and gray.
The daffodils start to sway.
The snow starts to melt.
flowers bloom here and near.
the birds begin to sing for spring is here.
 Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
leaves fall from the trees.
the earth turns to mud.
bright and colourful flowers stand tall in the grass.
 As the flowers bloom the animals do to.
new life for all as they dance around in the new fresh air.
 That's how you know spring is here.

 By Jaime and Julia

Spring flowers bright and shiny
Glistening in the sunlight like stars
from outer space
 golden red and yellow petals
dancing in the wind`
ten thousand shades of green
were the colours of the leaves
 the waterfall beside foaming white
like snow a tree of buds is sitting there
tender and green
some have sprouted white and pink
 we yell yippee
we shout hooray
for spring is here today
 no more mittens, boots or gloves
no more snow suits that weigh us down

 By Nevis and Josh

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