Weekly Messages

Week 10 Term 4

Well here we are, the last week of school.

Don't forget your Secret Santa gift
Bring your togs and bikes (with helmets) for the triathlon.
Bring a plastic bag to take your belongings home.
At 2.15 pm you will have the opportunity to meet your new teacher. (Years 6's will be doing fun activities in the hall).

Wednesday - Year 6 Missioning is at 11 am sharp. (Please make sure you have practised if you are reading at the Missioning)


Week 9 Term 4

Monday - Visit to the Museum. Please make sure you have paid your $2 for our activities at the Museum. I still need one parent to come along please. At this point no parents have offered. I realsie many of you are very busy the the moment. We leave at 11am and will be back by 12.30pm.

Tuesday - We will be having an amazing race and learning to do some coding.

Wednesday - Yr 6's will be practising for the final Mass on Thursday.

Thursday - Closing School Mass @ 1.00 pm.

Friday - Celebration Day for the Year 6's. Remember your $2 for this BEFORE Friday please. Reports go home Friday.

Week 8 Term 4

Lots of exciting things happening this week.

First of all we have our student led conferences on Monday. There are still 8 families yet to book. Please do so asap as this is a chance for your child to celebrate their years achievements.

Swimming this week. We will practise tryathlon training. Swimming two lenghts then run around the field, what fun! Super weather for swimming don't you think?

On Tuesday Hiroko will be making sushi with a group of children for us all to taste. Yummy!

The Library has now closed for stocktake. Please ensure ALL school library books are returned.

We still need cereal boxes please.

On Friday the Year 6's will be having their retreat in the church hall. They may wear mufti.

The Year 5's will be having a leadership day. They need to be in usual school uniform.

If you are in Mrs Todd's Artastic group please bring a shoe box lid this week.

The Christmas Parade is this Saturday. All children (and Mums and Dads) are welcome to join our float. Please come dressed as an angel, shepherd etc. More details in this weeks newsletter.

Next Monday (7th of December) we are going to the Museum. There is a small cost of $2 for the activities we are doing. Please send this to the classroom. Notice coming home tomorrow. 

Week 7 Term 4

Please remember to keep bringing in cereal boxes and museli bar boxes.

Slip, Slop, Slap RAP!!
Can you and your friends write a rap to promote sun safety?  This competition is open to all students from years 3-6.  You can work on your own or with a small group.  You cannot use any apps to help you with your rap - it must be your own work.

The health team will be judging your rap in week 8, so get rapping now!!
No Swimming this week. 
Hopefully Athletics Day will go ahead this FRiday. Same arrangements as last week.
Also the postponed wroking bee will go ahead this Saturday. 
This week we will be reviewing addition and subtraction strategies, reading about Jonah Lomu, preparing for Student Led conferences (parents please make your booking for these). 
Student Led Conferences will take place on Monday 30 November from 3.15pm to 7.00pm. The conference takes place in your child's classroom and bookings will be set at 5 minute intervals. However this does not mean that conferences are only limited to 5 minutes in the classroom. You may take as much time as you wish and other parents and students will also be present in the classroom at these times.
Bookings for your time slot may now be accessed:
Code: 6ARLU

Week 6 Term 4

We will be experiencing a traditional Japanese tea ceremony on Monday. Please bring a dessert bowl (cereal bowl) to drink your special tea in.

Ahurei Tickets will be issued on Monday.

Athletics Day this Friday at JPC. Please note should athletics day be cancelled we will start our Artastic lessons. If you are doing paper mache in Room 4 you need to bring a large bowl. (Plastic, Glass or Pottery)

JPC Testing will occur this week for Year 6 students and there will also be an orientation visit on the same day. Students will retirn to school in time for buses etc.

Bring your togs we will be swimming on the days that we can.

WORKING BEE THIS SATURDAY. MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK. It would be wonderful if you could spare a few hours.

Week 5 Term 4

Unfortunately on our Grandparents Mass day a Grandparent lost a camera. If you find it please return to the office.  

Do you have a pair of gumboots at home? If so bring them in for Wednesday afternoon for the Room 4  first annual gumboot throwing competition.

WORKING BEE FOR PARENTS (bring the kids to) - Saturday the 21st of November. Please come if you can, even for a few hours. . All sorts jobs to be done. Morning Tea and Lnnch provided.

Badminton this Tues and Thurs.

Library on Thurs.

Kapa Haka practise Tues and Thurs afternoon.

Please bring in a cereal box if you have one. We are gonig to be making a Japanese game with these. Also museli bar boxes or similar.

JPC testing and visits will take place next week (Tues the 17th of Nov).

Week 4 Term 4

Time is rocketing along at school.

This week:


BRING YOUR TOGS - it's swimming week

Wednesday  - We will be walking to the skate park to test out all the ramps and jumps so that we can write a review on them. Bring your skateboard or scooter. Could I please have two parents that could walk down with us? 11am - 1.30pm.

Hiroko will be teaching us some origami this week. We need newspaper (not the smaller size but the very large ones  - The Saturday paper is the larger type).

Grandparents Mass is on Friday and will be held in the hall (rather than the Chuch as previously advised).

Kapa Haka Practise is Tues and Thurs afternoons this week. Only a few weeks until our performance. Children who are in the Ahurei have been advised via a letter home.

The Whanau Hui will be held at JPC this Monday from 5.30-7 pm. All are most welcome.

Week 3 Term 4

Wow the term is whizzing by! I hope you all had an enjoyable long weekend. I went to the movies, went to the gym, did two runs, went to the Tarawera Spring Fair, had lunch with a friend, did school reports, wrapped some Christmas presents (yes really!) and did a bit of retail therapy....phew!

We are currently hosting Ms Hiroko from Japan in our classroom until the end of the term. She is a very experienced teacher with 27 years experience. She has traveled to over 60 countries and has just recently finished a visit to a school in Ireland. Please make her feel welcome.

This week we have Badminton lessons on Tues and Thurs. Please bring your PE gear.

On Friday we have a number of Chinese Teaching Assistants who will be running a "Discover China Day". Mrs Cato is keen to have another couple of parents helping with this. If you are able to assist please contact her:  annec@stmarysrotorua.school.nz

Week 2 Term 4

Swimming starts this week. 11 am each day. Bring your togs.

Kapa Haka practise will be on Tuesday afternoon this week.

Rosary will be said on Wednesday morning at 9 am in the hall. All welcome.

Are there any parents (only need 1 or 2) that can walk to the Warehouse with us on Tues or Wed? I can make either day to suit if you are able to help. Thanks

Next week we will be having badminton lessons.

Week 1 Term 4

Hi everyone. The warmer weather has come and there were some super beautiful days in the holidays.

Swimming starts in Week 2. You need to bring your togs EVERY day. Learning to swim is REALLY important so please don't make silly excuses for not swimming, it could save your life one day.

We are learning about symbolism this term and how it is a form of communication. Later in the term we will be having "Artastic" where you will get to do an art option for four weeks in your chosen class.

For writing we will be learning how to write reviews. Book reviews, film reviews, gaming reviews and toy reviews. Are there any parents that would be able to walk with us to the Warehouse on Tuesday the 20th of October at 11 am so that we can go and check out a toy to review?

JPC testing will take place later in the term and there will also be an orientation day also. More on this later.

Also coming up this term "China day" on the 30th of Oct, All Souls/Saints Mass, Grandparent Mass. Athletics Day, Kapa Haka Ahurei concert and the Year 6 retreat.

See you all on Monday.

Week 8 Term 3

Two weeks until camp.

We have a trip to the springs where most of Rotorua's water comes from in Week 9 (Friday the 18th of Sept). Parent help required - Notices home this week.

This week we have the Royal New Zealand Ballet attending school on Thursday. They will run some workshops for selected children.

Don't forget your PE gear for our fitness challenge. EVERY day this week.

Friday - Mufti Mania - fundraising for Caritas. Bring a gold coin please.

Please bring your cereal boxes.

Week 7 Term 3

Three weeks until camp. A parent meeting for any questions about camp is being held this Wednesday at 5 pm for all parents. Year 5 meeting in Room 2, Year 6 meeting in Room 1. Parent helpers meeting immediately after.

Please bring in any muesli bar or cereal boxes this week for making tessellations.

Pass it (Netball and Rugby League) skills are on Monday and Tuesday - PE Gear is a MUST

Also we start our class "Steptember" fitness challenge this week (yes I will do it with you). Please make sure you have PE gear here EVERY day for the rest of the term. If you would like to sign up for "Steptember" with your family and receive a free pedometer click here....

Some Kapa Haka children will be travelling to the Lakes District Council this Wednesday to perform for the Citizenship Ceremony. Those going have received a note regarding this.

Fathers Days gifts will be for sale in the hall at lunchtime on Wed, Thurs and Fri $3 each. A PTA fundraiser.

 Mass this Friday at 9 am - ALL MOST WELCOME.

FROM FATHER EAMON; Training for new Altar Servers will begin on Wednesday 2nd September 3.30 pm at St Mary’s and a parent is also required to be present. Children are very welcome to serve at both churches. As mentioned last week the Sacramental Programme is beginning this year in November. It is for children who are 8 by the 1st November 2015. Many children these days are supported in their faith by their grandparents, if this is the circumstances in your family please don’t be afraid to bring them along, with parent permission.


At St Mary’s Catholic Church, 7.00 pm the 14th October and or 21st October there will be an information session. Dates will be given and for those who are not baptised in Rotorua, please bring a baptismal certificate. The children are required to be 8 by the 1st November 2015. Children who are not baptised and would like to become Catholic are also very welcome to be a part of this Sacramental Programme.

Room Three are making kites next term. If you have any toe toe (toi toi) or raupo (bullrushes) they would be very appreciative of them. 

Week 6 Term 3

Please bring your PE gear for "Pass It" on Monday and Tuesday.

School Photos are on Monday. Please ensure you are clean and tidy. Hair tied back if below your shoulders. Bring your jerseys. No polar fleeces in photos.

Week 5 Term 3


Year 6 - Pre-puberty classes are this week - Wed, Thursday and Friday.

The Year 5's will be doing a leadership programme with Ms Nelson and Mrs Dunkley.

We have author Stacey Gregg coming for a visit on Wednesday. Should be fun.



Check out her website here.

Week 4 Term 3

School Disco : NOT TO BE MISSED!!!
Thursday 13 August 5.30pm to 7.00pm, Door entry $2.00.

If any parents are available to assist during the evening please phone Heidi on 021 911305.

Thanks to all the Yr 6 children who have returned their pre-puberty classes notice. Just a few more to come. A parent meeting will be held in Room 1 at 5pm for parents who wish to understand what this programme is about. 

Week 3 Term 3

Puberty notices will be sent home this week for Year 6's. Please send the permission slip back to school as soon as possible.

Homework has been shared with children  - they are able to access this via their Google drive at home. ALL children should be bringing home spelling notebooks on Monday, practising times tables and reading EVERY night.

Wednesday Author visit - Donovan Bixley  - see link


Notices went home about our Mary MacKillop day this Friday. Please bring a plate of food to share with the class for lunch. (Please clearly mark food if it contains nuts.)

Friday- Tough Girl and Guy challenge (for those involved)

Week 2 Term 3

Wow! Where did the first week of school go? This week we have worked on paragraphing in writing, statistics in maths (strip and bar graphs, collecting statistical data), practised our tennis skills, been to the library, done some interesting reading, make truffula cup cakes and created an amazing piece of art work about Mary. Phew!

This week we have "The Ned Show" on Tuesday with an important message. Notices about this went home last week.

Maori Language week is this week. It's all about giving the language a go.

Well done to our class who have ALL returned their reading logs within the FIRST week of school - WHAT A SUPER EFFORT! I hope you ALL win a prize, you certainly have a good chance.

Don't forget to get your camp fees paid.

Week 1 Term 3

Welcome back everyone. I hope you have been filling out your reading logs and doing lots of reading on these rainy days, let's see if we can be a 100% class with ALL children returning your reading logs this week.

This week you will need your PE gear on Tues and Wed for our final tennis/badminton lessons.

For Writing this week we will be learning about paragraphs and topic sentences. We are going to write haunted house stories to go with our cool haunted house art we did in the last week of last term.

For Maths to start with this term we are doing statistics and then moving on to fractions, decimals and percentages.

Our Concept for the term is cycles. We will be looking at weather and water cycles and doing lots of reading about this.

Camp is this term in the very last week. YAY! It is such a fun time. Make sure you have paid your fees for that please.

Week 11 Term 2

Last week of term.

Do you have any flax you could bring in for some activities for our marae visit?

Hit it this week - bring your PE gear.

Monday - More painting of our tyres. Please bring a paint brush.

Monday - Preparation of food for our hangi on Tuesday. Thanks to those parents who are coming to help. All children please bring a potato peeler if you have one. (No sharp knives please).

Tuesday - We have our marae visit. Thanks to all our helpers who are coming. Mums and Nans please wear a skirt as this is culturally appropriate when visiting a marae.

Wednesday - We have a performance by an Australian Orchestra at 9am.

Thursday - Library Day. Shared Lunch please bring something tasty and healthy. No Chips please.

Friday - 10am Bishop Steve welcomed to our school.

Reading Logs go home for the holidays. READ READ READ. Some super prizes to be won.

Phew! What a busy week and we still have to do Maths, Reading and Writing!

Week 10 Term 2

Now that our Science projects are done we will be working on our tyre seats this week. Does anyone have any white house paint left over from a reno job? (water based please).

This Thursday is our Pot Luck dinner night. Come one, come all. 5.30pm start. All families are most welcome.

Week 9 Term 2

The Whanau Group would like to extend an invitation to all staff and their families to a pot luck dinner on Thursday the 25th of June at 5.30pm. The dinner is to celebrate the cultural diversity we have in our school. ALL FAMILIES ARE WELCOME. 

Come along for some fun conversation and get to know our community. Last year was great fun. 

Our Science Afternoon is this week on Wednesday. 3.15pm until 5.15pm. 

Year 6 Camp Sausage Sizzle Fundraising
In Term 3, the PTA gives parents of Year 6 children an opportunity to run the sausage sizzles on Fridays. The profit is divided between those parents who help (and how often), and it goes towards their child's camp fees. We are looking several parents to organise the parent rosters, and generally, who are the people parents contact about the sausage sizzle. If you are willing to help, please contact Brigit Nieuwboer as soon as possible so that we can get everything organised to start next term.

Week 8 Term 2

The Whanau Group would like to extend an invitation to all staff and their families to a pot luck dinner on Thursday the 25th of June at 5.30pm. The dinner is to celebrate the cultural diversity we have in our school.

Come along for some fun conversation and get to know our community. Last year was great fun. 

Tuesday is the Inter-school Cross Country. Good luck to the Room 4 children participating.

Sacred Heart Mass 9am  - All Welcome

Thank you to ALL the children who have returned camp notices. We now have all of them in. Don't forget to make automatic payments to pay off your camp fee if it is easier on the family budget.

Our science afternoon will be on next week. Wednesday the 17th from 3-5.15pm

Week 7 Term 2

Remember to start bringing in items for your renewable energy model for our science display in Week 9.

Well done Willem for coming third in the healthy lunches competition.

Spelling homework comes home every Monday. Boy did we have some outstanding spelling results in the last test. Well done Room 4.

Parent Interviews are coming up in Week 9.

Week 6 Term 2

Thank you to all the parents who helped make the Cross Country event a success. 

Don't forget to get your entries in for the healthy lunch competition (see blog posting for information about this) 

I am still looking for paint, wood and bolts for our tyre project. Can anyone help? 

Week 5 Term 2

 Following on from our healthy food talk this week you might be interested in this...


Still the odd camp form outstanding please return immediately. 

Does anyone have some old plywood or customwood. We need 6 squares about 600 x 600mm - 18mm thick for a sustainability project we are making in class. Also some bolts with nuts, approx 24....to bolt two tyres together (not sure what size we need...

We also need some water based house paint (preferably in funky colours)

FRIDAY - We have Mass at 11am and then Cross Country at the Redwoods. Notices have been sent home with all the details. 

Week 4 Term 2

Hopefully you have all received notices regarding Camp, Kapa Haka and Cross Country.

Please return Kapa Haka registration forms asap.

Also Camp forms please (payment is NOT required immediately,) however medical forms etc are.

This week on Tuesday we will be walking to the Convention Centre to see JPC's production of "Beauty and the Beast"

On Wednesday we have a lady from the Heart Foundation coming to talk to us about healthy food.

Week 2 Term 2

Tues - ANZAC Litugy in the Hall at 10am - -All Welcome

Camp Information will go home this week for both Year 5 and Year 6 camp. Please read this information carefully and keep in a safe place.

Does anyone have any old tyres for a Sustainability class project? A total of 12 needed please.


Lakes District Health Board PRESENTS
Tuesday 5 May 2015, 7.30pm
Edmund Rice Centre @ John Paul College, Whitworth Road, Rotorua



Nathan is a trustee for The Brainwave Trust and is a sought after trainer.
Nathan’s presentation makes use of real-life examples and case study material, in an accessible, interactive manner.  This is an invaluable opportunity for everyone raising children.


Week 1 Term 2

Welcome welcome welcome back to school for Term 2. I have had a fabulous holiday in both Japan and China, two very different places. Back to reality for me today! 

Remember to bring your reading log back so that you can go into the prize draw. Well done to those children who read during the holidays. 

This term our concept is sustainability. We will be looking at sources of renewable energy amongst other things. 

This week we will be doing an ANZAC study as this year is a very special year commemorating 100 years since Gallipoli. Please bring some wholemeal flour (if you have some) or a few tablespoons of milk powder so we can make a special biscuit called "hard tack" that the soldiers ate during their time in the trenches. 

We have a resurrection liturgy in the hall on Tuesday at 10am. 


Week 8 Term 1

Swimming Sports is on Monday. Drop off and pick up from the Aquatic Centre. Bring a BIG lunch and a BIG drink. Along with sunscreen and your togs. 

Tues - First Aid Training  - those involved know who they are. 

Wed - Kick it, bring your PE gear. Annunciation Liturgy at 10 am, all welcome (in the Church). 

Thurs - The Leader's liturgy will be held in week 8, Thursday 26th, in the hall at 1.30 - 2 pm. Children will be presented with their badges. 

Fri - Palm Sunday Donkey Parade, bring your "Jesus" clothes. A Caritas Appeal (wear mufti and bring a gold coin donation). 

Week 7 Term 1


Wednesday - Bring your PE gear (EVERYONE) for "Kick it" soccer training.

Wednesday - Whanau Roopu meeting in the Staff Room at 5.30pm. All welcome.

Friday - Life Education 11-12.30pm. How the brain works.

St Josephs Mass in Church at 9am Friday. All welcome.

Week 6 Term 1

Wow! Where is the term going? It sure is whizzing by. Thanks to everyone who supported our school Gala, final figures are yet to be tallied but I understand it was very profitable thanks to our hardworking parents.

Swimming this week - EVERY DAY. (unless it snows!)

Life Education are here for the next two weeks. Room 4's slot is on Friday at 11am.

Ensure you have your PE gear on Wednesday as we have "Kick it" (Soccer) Training.

Week 5 Term 1


Information for the Gala Day cake competition will be issued tomorrow. Entry for Year 5's and 6's only. 

This Thursday from 4pm onwards. Please bring grocery items, toys, books and any other items that can be sold at the Gala Day. Children get house points for items brought in.

We are in the process of booking buses and activities for the two camps. Please note that the camps are in the last week of Term 3. More information about total costs will be sent out as soon as we have confirmed bookings. We will also send out a request for parent helpers for both camps at the same time.
Year 5 Camp: 21 - 23 September (Lake Taupo Christian Camp)
Year 6 Camp: 21 - 24 September (Auckland)

Week 4 Term 1

Well done to the 30 children out of 32 who made their posters of an ancient Egyptian person. We shared our posters on Friday and learnt lots of facts from each other.

We had a feast of Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday....well Wednesday actually, we had to bend the rules a little.

I hope all the children who swam at the Aquatic Centre this week told their families about the life saving activities they did.

Swimming EVERY day this week.

Week 3 Term 1

Homework posters are due this Friday.

Swimming togs on Monday and Tuesday please. We swim with our tutors on Monday and are back to the Aquatic Centre on Tuesday. Are there any parents available to walk down with us? Leaving school at 9am returns at 11.30am.

Tues - We have our Promise Ceremony in the Hall at 1.30pm.

Wed - 9am Ask Wednesday Liturgy. All Welcome.

Please bring either a cup of flour, an egg, or some type of filling for our pancakes for Shove Tuesday. Unfortunately we are REALLY busy on Tues so we will have to make pancakes on Wednesday and pretend it is still Tuesday!!

Library Day is Thursday.

Week 2 Term 1

Please remember to bring your hat. Hats must be worn in this very hot weather. No hat....no play. Hats must be school hats please, not caps with various logos.

Swimming this week Swimming every day this week. Every must bring their togs. The tutors from the Aquatic Centre are taking lessons in our pool over the next two weeks.

Meet the Teacher
Thursday at 4.05 - 4.30pm. I look forward to meeting you all. Individual interviews will happen at the beginning of Term 2. Please see me if you have any concerns about your child's learning.

Beginning of Year Mass
2pm on Thursday in the Church. All families welcome.

Please start bringing cardboard tubes to school for an up and coming art project.

Week 1 Term 1

Welcome, welcome to all the new families in Room four. I know many of you already as I have taught many of your brothers or sisters previously.

This week we start swimming on Wednesday with our tutors from the Aquatic Centre. Ensure you have you togs every day from Wednesday and for the following week. Swimming is compulsory for all children unless you cannot swim for medical reasons. Please provide a note to this effect if necessary. It is such an important skill to have, especially in New Zealand, we certainly don't want to add to any statistics that there have been this summer. And how fun is swimming in a nice cool pool on a really hot day?

Friday is Waitangi Day - no school. It is nice to have a four day week to start with, especially in this heat. Remember start getting into a routine of making your lunches in the evening, reading in your bed and lights out reasonably early so that you are fresh and rearing to go for school on Monday.

See you all Monday - Yay for Senior School!

Week 10 Term 4

Well here we are. The last week of school. It has been such a pleasure to teach the lovely Room 4 and what fun we have had this year. Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas and remember Jesus is the reason for the season.

Wednesday - Prize giving at 9am. Thanksgiving Mass at 5.30pm be at school by 5.15pm at the latest.

Thursday - Year 6 missioning at 11am. School closes at 12pm.

Week 9 Term 4

A good time had by all on camp!

Please bring some butter, sugar or flour for our Xmas biscuit making next Monday.

Secret Santa gifts for next week please....$5 maximum.

Cinderella Production

All students are expected to attend the two evening performances of Cinderella on Wednesday and Thursday. Children without a special part in the production will need to be at school by 6.40pm. Those with main roles will be advised of the specific time they need to be at school for costume and make-up preparation.
On Thursday 11th and Friday 12th December, parents have the option of having their children arrive at school for either an 8.45am or 11am start. Please note we do not want students arriving between 8.45am and 10.30am as this is disruptive to the class.

Week 8 Term 4

Camp this week...make sure you are organised.

Swimming on Monday and (for Yr5's) Tuesday.

Whole School Practise of Cinderella Monday at 1pm.

Week 7 Term 4 2014

Camp is upon us in a weeks time. Make sure you have been starting to organise your gear and that you start packing.

What a great day athletics was! Some super star results from Room 4. Well done everyone who came along and gave it their best. Letters for interschool will go out on Monday. (Interschool is Tuesday!)

Also on Tuesday is our big Ahurei Kapa Haka Schools Festival. All details have been sent to those participating. It will be a BIG day...and a super evening I'm sure.

On Thursday we will accompany Room 8 and Room 17 to Kuirau Park to learn some local Maori legends. We would love a couple of parent helpers. Leaving at 9 back by 1pm.

On Friday the Year 6's will be on retreat at St Mary's Church.

See the Year 6 Camp Gear List below.

Student Gear List  -


NB: Please attach a luggage tag to the outside of your bag(s), which clearly indicates your name and class.

Backpack, or small bag, which the student will keep with them on the first day. This bag should contain:

  • Morning tea, lunch and a filled named drink bottle for the first day of the Camp.  Please make sure this is easily accessible and named (a disposable paper or plastic bag would be better than a lunchbox).
  • Raincoat
  • Sunhat
  • Sunblock
  • Pencil/Pen and paper



Large plastic bag for dirty or wet clothing

Pillow and pillowcase

Sleeping bag or sheets and duvet/blankets

Two towels

Swimsuit and plastic bag


Sweatshirts or fleece jackets or jersey

Jeans, trousers or sweatpants 



Sports shoes or similar

Jandals or sandals



Toiletry gear - which needs to include soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, facecloth, comb/hairbrush



Camera (bring at your own risk)

Pack of cards or small board game


NO cellphones

NO music or radio players

NO knives

NO aerosol deodorant sprays or similar

Week 2 Term 4

Swimming every day this week. Bring your  togs.

Thursday - Rosary in the hall.

Puberty this week is Tues, Wed and Thurs afternoons.

We are not on Assembly this week, it has been changed to Week 3.

Please note newsletters are now emailed. Should you wish to have a paper copy these are available at reception each Wednesday.

Please ensure your camp fees are paid as soon as possible. Contact Mr Mcmillan if there are any problems regarding payment.

Week 1 Term 4

Well here we are already! My this year has gone so quickly....still lots of fun learning left.

Swimming starts in Week two for us, please don't tell me your Mum forgot to pack your togs...I have spares remember.

Rosary will be for the next three Thursdays at 9am. Families most welcome.

I have so many fun things planned for this term I'm not sure how we will fit it all in. We are starting off with investigating war and peace including World War 2.

Please bring any empty cereal boxes you have for making spinners for Maths.

Other things happening this term....

Swimming on even weeks. (EVERY DAY) You must bring a note if you are not swimming (for genuine illnesses please not just little sniffles).

Puberty Week 2 - Ms Nelson and myself will be doing leadership work with the Year 5's preparing for next year.

Room 4 is on assembly in Week 2.

Speech finals will be in Week 4.

Athletics Day Friday the 7th of November.

Cinderella 12th 13th Nov    Grandparents Mass 14th Nov

ERO visit our school Week 6 (JPC testing this week also on the Wednesday)

25th Nov Ahurei (Kapa Haka Festival)

Week 8 Camp for Year 5's and 6's.

Week 9 Term 3

This Tuesday we will be attending the Boy's High Production Aida at the Civic Theatre.

On Friday we will be visit an exhibition at the Museum for the 100 year anniversary of World World One. Some of our classes art work and poems are displayed. Do we have a couple of parents who can come along and help. Transport is via the free museum bus.

Week 8 Term 3

Don't forget to bring you pizza bits and pieces for your group tomorrow.

For those people in the production there will be a couple of practises this week.

Birthday of Mary Mass this week on Friday at 9am in the Church, all welcome.

Cake stall on Wednesday for the Year 6 camp fundraising. $1 for everything.

Week 7 Term 3

Congratulations to all the people in Room 4 who got parts in Cinderella. I can't wait to see Sir Sponge Bob doing his thing! Don't forget there are auditions for the speech choir this week if you are still keen.

We need fabric scraps if you have any at home, please bring them for Friday's art work.

Hope the skiing went well this week Angus. Thanks for always reading the blog.

Please support the Whanau Group by purchasing a ticket in their raffle or by selling booklet if you can. Available at the office.

We have "Pass it" this week on Monday. Please bring your PE gear.

Well done home readers MOST of you are doing your home reading.

We will also sort out our pizza groups and you can organise what you might bring as toppings.

Week 6 Term 3

Wow, the Science Road show was AWESOME! Check out the pictures on our main page.

School Photos are on Monday. Please make sure you have your jersey (not polar fleece)

Tauranga Boys High Big Band will play for us this Wednesday. Should be fun.

Well done to those home readers that are remembering to bring in their reading packs. Excellent! Let's see if we can get EVERYONE to do their home reading. 

Week 5 Term 3

Please remember to bring your $4 for the Science Road Show on Thursday.

Remember to be practising your Maths at home on IXL (log in page is on the front  page of the blog)

Many children don't seem to be practising their spelling. Notebooks go home on Monday with new words.

Home readers - Mr Macmillan is on a mission for ALL home reading children to be reading and bringing their packs back on a Friday. PLEASE make sure you are doing this. Your reading will ONLY get better by reading, reading, reading.

Week 4 Term 3

Wow! Last week was such a busy week. Lots of learning through the healthy eating programme, Mary Mackillop day and our Marae visit.

A quieter week this week thank goodness.

Please bring your PE gear for Pass it on Wednesday.

On Thursday the Health Promoting schools are running the fruit and vege plate competition. Plates must be made at school (you might want to practise at home)

Friday - Assumption Liturgy in the Church at 10am. All welcome.

Week 3 Term 3

We are desperate for people to help transport to the Marae on Tuesday. At this stage I have one parent who has responded. 9am - 12.30pm.

This week we have a lady coming to do healthy food lessons and we will take a trip to New World Supermarket on Thursday from 9.30- 10.30. Do we have a parent that could walk with us?

Friday we have a St Mary of the Cross Mass and then fun school activities. 

Any parents who have children marked as needing "extra support " on their reports ensure you have made a parent interview for Wednesday please. We need to see how we can work together to help your child meet National Standards.

The Whanau Hui is this Wednesday at 5.30pm.

Week 2 Term 3

This week we will be investigating where various foods come from. You need to bring some hot chocolate (enough to make yourself a drink) as we investigate where a hot chocolate's ingredients come from.

Please also bring some tin foil for an art project we will be doing later in the week.

Steam Pudding for sale on Thursday $1.50 each.

For Golden Time this week we will be using our hobo stoves. Please bring a candle and arrange with your friends what you might make. (Note: Pancakes didn't go so well last time!)

The Whanau Roopu extends a warm welcome to families of other cultural groups to join in a shared meal at 5.30pm in Week 3 on Wednesday the 6th of August. All welcome.

Kia Ora and welcome back to Te Wiki o Te Maori (Maori Language Week)
Week 1 Term 3

Lots of fun and exciting things planned this term and particularly exciting news to find out tomorrow....you will be thrilled...

Please bring your PE Gear on Wednesday we have Tennis lessons.

Father Mark School Farewell Liturgy - School Hall, Wednesday 23rd July  10am.
Followed by Shared morning tea- all Whanau invited to come along and share together. (Please bring a plate)

Reports will come home on Friday along with portfolio's. Please note that these reports are an indication of whether you child is on track to meet the National Standard for their year group in Reading, Writing and Maths. These, in conjunction with Student Led Conferences, should give you a good indication of where your child is at. 

Parent interviews are in Week 3. These interviews are specifically to meet with the teacher if you have concerns about your child's learning. Appointments will be able to made via the "School Interviews" website as in the past.  

Term 2 Week 9 Messages

This week have the Hit It PE Programme - Please ensure you have your PE gear every day this week.

Don't forget our Maths and Literacy night at 5.15pm Tuesday.

On Thursday we have the Moreton Bay School Orchestra playing for us at 9.30am. Should be fun.

Please ensure camp permission notices are returned. Remember you can set up an AP to pay your camp fees if you wish. See the office.

Year 6's remember to return your JPC enrolments to the St Mary's office.

Golden time on Friday - Malteser and Jaffa races - bring you lollies asap...

Term 2 Week 8 Messages (sorry a bit late this week...seems to be that overloaded time of the year)

Our life sized body posters are coming along really well, come in and see them sometime.

Our Marae Trip has been postponed until next term.

Don't forget your Jump Jam gear for Thursday and well done to those boys who are being great roles models to others' and really getting into it!

Sacred Heart Mass this Friday 9am - All welcome

Mufti day Thursday - Gold Coin donation

Term 2 Week 7 Messages (nearly half way through the year!)

Well done all our children who did their Student Led Conferences this week. Weren't they super stars? I bet your parents are SO proud of you...I sure was.

This week we will be making life sized bodies showing either the skeletal, muscular or digestive system. You will work in groups of three. Please bring some old recycled bits and pieces that might be helpful. e.g. cardboard, wool, pipe, straws etc.

Jump Jam is Mon and Thurs this week. PE gear please.

ICAS writing and spelling are on Monday and Tuesday.

Tuesday - Peer Mediator training starting at 11am.

Thursday - The annual Lego competition (at lunchtime in the library).

Thursday - Gymnastic Competition.

Term 2 Week 6 Messages

Well done Room 4. We are the ONLY class that has all our parents booked for our Student Led Conferences. Should be great.

School closes at 12.30pm on Wednesday the 11th for student led conferences.

Year 6's going to JPC next year, please return your enrolment packs to St Mary's school office NOT JPC office.

Please make sure you are practising your timetables at home, the more you practice the better you will get.

Interschool Cross Country is on Tuesday. If you are involved make sure you have all your gear ready.

Enrichment children - you are on your trip with Mrs Cato this Thursday.

We need ice cream containers and plastic bags please.

Term 2 Week 5 Messages

Student led conferences are next week. Wednesday (Rachel Dunkley's 17th birthday - how exciting) 1.30pm-6pm and Thursday 4pm-7pm. Please ensure you book via www.schoolinterviews.co.nz I need to call parents if your interview is not booked by Friday.

Mass on Friday is at 11am along with St Michaels School. There will be a concert afterwards at around 1pm with items from both schools.

Term 2 Week 4 Messages

Cross Country this week - Thursday afternoon. Make sure you have your gear ESPECIALLY proper shoes. 

The cross country is at the Redwoods this Thursday at 1pm.  We will need parents to help with transport (leaving school at 12.30 and returning at 2.30) and supervision around the course.  If you are able to help, can you please let me know.

Science rotations are going really well on a Friday. Remember to tell Mum and Dad what you have been doing.

Don't forget if you want to share your musical instrument in Mrs Hall's class to bring it along on Tuesday.

Term 2 Week 3 Messages

Well done to those children who are reading every night and practising their spelling.

PE gear for Cross Country Training.

Some really interesting fairy houses built in Minecraft and also some great looking tin foil people handed in for homework, well done you people.

Newsteam practise on Friday at JPC (those children involved know who they are)

Please come in and see our FANTASTIC ANZAC poems. Some will bring a tear to your eye. Make sure you read Hannah R's and Nicole H-S's. Brilliant!

Term 2 Week 2 Messages

Bring your PE gear for our Cross Country Training

We have ALL our reading logs returned - WELL DONE TEAM!!

Please make sure you are wearing black leather shoes for school, not black runners or another other please. Mr Macmillan is going to be strict on this, this week.

Homework sheet to come home this week.

A great start to the term by everyone in the class - well done. We had a super week of learning last week.

Term 2 Week 1 Messages

On Monday we will begin an ANZAC unit - we will be making ANZAC biscuits on Tuesday afternoon. Please bring one of the following...1 cup of flour, 1 cup of rolled oats, 1 cup of coconut, 1 cup of sugar, 100 grams of butter or some Golden Syrup.


Our concept is 'Structures' and the key understanding is 'Organisation of many parts'.  We will be learning about human body systems with the skeletal system being our first learning focus.

There are many children who do not access the blog for notices or homework. Please go to the blog and find the weekly notices each Sunday night. 

Student Led Conferences
These conferences will be held in week 6 this term. There is a lot of information for parents and caregivers leading up to the conferences as this will be a different way of sharing your child's learning and progress.

Cross-country Training
We will be launching into cross-country training from the first week of this term. All children must bring their PE gear to school every day.

All children should be in winter uniform this week. Please go to the school website for information on uniforms.

Week 11 (A four day week!)

Swimming - remember your togs for our last few swims of the term.

Roman feast and dress up on Wednesday - I have my costume sorted, do you? Have you roasted those mice yet Will?

We need plastic shopping bag - please send lots.

Have a happy and Holy Easter.

Week 10 and 11 Messages

Well done to those children practising their spelling and bringing their notebooks each week.

Week 10 - The (Palm Sunday) Donkey Parade is this Friday. Bring your Jesus Clothes and a palm. Parent most welcome to join this fun event.

Week 11 will be our last week of swimming until Term 4.

Week 11 - Shared lunch "A Roman Feast" more to come on this.

Week 11 - Tues. Stations of the cross liturgy at 10am in the Church.

Week 11 - Washing of feet Thursday in the hall.

Week Nine Messages

Swimming this week. We are off to the Aquatic Centre on Wednesday for our final assessment. Two parents to walk down with us would be helpful. Leaving at 10.15am back by 12.30pm.

Don't forget your spelling notebooks for your new words.

Mufti Day this Friday - Bring 50cents to donate to the Caritas appeal.

Tara Chapman will be farewelled at 11am tomorrow (Monday). Several RE leaders will be going to the funeral.

Week Eight Messages

Tues - Annunciation Liturgy in the Church 10am. All welcome.

Also on Tuesday - Senior School Humble rice lunch (bring something small for morning tea if you wish)

Week Seven Messages

This week we are going to make Roman Sundials - please bring a paper (plastic, styrafoam) throw away plate and a straw. If you can bring a couple for those children that may not have them at home that would be really helpful. Hopefully we will have some sunshine so we can make them!

Swimming this week. Bring your togs or swim in Mrs Todd's fabulous ones!

Remember to practise your Maths on IXL.

Thanks to those parents who came along on Friday to see our assembly and thanks to those who supplied extra accessories for wearing! : )

Friday - St Josephs Mass at 9am. All welcome.

Library Day is Thursday. I am a little disappointed with the number of boys who are not choosing a book to take home to read each week. Please encourage your boy (and girl) to choose a book from our school library. If they are having difficulty choosing Mrs O'Leary is a wealth of knowledge for fun and exciting books for boys.

I will be out of class on Thursday afternoon with Mr Volschenk at our regular Maths updates for schools.

Week Six Messages

Check out our new tab on the blog "Religious Education" some bible stories to watch.

All children have been given an IXL password. IXL is a Maths Website especially tailored to the New Zealand curriculum. We have a free trial for 30 days. Children need to select Year 5 or 6 skills and we are currently working on "Number sense and Place value" in class. This will help support their learning. Please see me if you have any questions.

Swimming Sports on Thursday - Bring a hat, sunscreen, heaps to drink and eat! You can't purchase food from inside the Aquatic Centre but sausages and juices are usually available.

All children who have borrowed togs and towels PLEASE return them promptly, washed and dried.

Week Five Messages

Hi Angus, well done for reading the blog regularly! 50 points for your group.

Swimming this week with our swim coaches

Monday - Parents meeting with the Principal to discuss National Standard results. 2.30 - 3pm. A cup of tea and cake provided. ALL welcome.

Tuesday - Promise Burning in the Hall 10am

Wednesday - Ash Wednesday Liturgy in the Church 10am

Wednesday  - Kick it.  Juan will be back. Bring your PE gear.

Thanks for everyone's support with the Gala day.

Week Four Messages

Wednesday - Kick it - Rugby league skills. 15 points for your house if you have your PE gear on.

Thanks for being on time - most everyone is at school on time in our class.

GALA GALA GALA - this Thursday at 4pm - Mrs D and Ms Nelson are on shoot the hoop this year. It was a bit far for Mr James to come back and help me this year.

We STILL need helpers for the Gala please contact the office even if you can only spare a few hours.

Please remember to bring in gala items. Bake your cake one day soon - I LOVE THE CAKE COMPETITION - such fun!

Week Three Messages

Swimming this week - Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri.

On Wednesday we will have "Kick it" the Soccer Fundamental skills programme.

Please be on time for the school day. Arrival should be between 8.20 and 8.35.
departure from the school grounds by 3.15pm unless supervised by an adult.

Thanks for all the Gala bits and pieces. Keep them coming. Not long to go now.

Week One Messages

Upcoming events:


Parent Information Evening:
Thursday 13 February 4.30-5.00pm
School Gala
Thursday 27 February

This term our concept is Citizenship, and we will be focusing on Rules/Laws and Governance through the context of Ancient Rome. The Concept is integrated throughout many other curriculum areas. 

Our Religious Education Programme will be integrated throughout our daily programme; we will be working to maintain the Catholic Character of our school.  This term we will be focusing on the Fruit of the Holy Spirit of JOY.  The whole school is also having a term focus on manners.  This term we are highlighting PLEASE and THANK YOU.

Our school motto is 'With Christ as our centre we strive for excellence’; we will be reminding the children of this and will be expecting the best from them.
Here are a few “Need to Knows/Reminders” for the term:
  • Class Library: Thursday 11.00am-11.45pm Children will be able to issue a book for the week.
  • Whole School Singing: Wednesday 8.45-9.00am
  • Class Swimming:  Everyday 11.00-11.30pm on odd weeks (1,3,5,7,9,11) Children are expected to participate, as swimming is part of the Physical Education programme. Please ensure that your child brings their togs on these days.
  • We also have two sessions at the Aquatic Centre doing water safety. These are very valuable lessons. Professional swim coaches will also be attending school during our swim times for individual and small group instruction. PLEASE ensure your child has their togs.

·         Uniforms: Children are expected to wear correct summer uniform, this includes a hat.  It is compulsory for all children to wear their sunhats while they are playing outside during the first term.  (No Hat, No Play)

Uniform Shop Hours:  Monday and Friday 8.30-9.00am

                                  Wednesday 2.30-3.00pm

PLEASE name your child’s belongings clearly so they can be returned if lost.
  • Newsletters are sent home every Wednesday to keep you informed of school happenings.  You can also visit the school website for more information. www.stmarysrotorua.school.nz.
  • Absentees:  Please contact the office if your child is absent for the day on;
          348 1701 (a message can be left if it is outside of the office hours)
Office hours: 8.30am-3.30pm

Letter to families...

5 February, 2014

Room 4,
St Mary’s Catholic School.

Kia Ora Families and Caregivers,

Welcome to Room 4. My name is Sylvia Dunkley and I have been teaching at Saint Mary’s for the past six years, prior to that I have worked at Glenholme School and Rotorua Intermediate. I really enjoy the special character and family-like culture of our school. I have two children Rachel, aged 16 and Daniel, aged 14

The senior school years are important years for cementing independent work habits and taking up opportunities for leadership roles. It is important for children to be taking responsibility for their learning and behaviour.  

Our main focus in the classroom is around Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Children will be learning to select specific strategies to aid their learning in these curriculum areas. They will also be using these strategies to help support their research in our topic studies. We will also be focusing on understanding more complex texts and extending our vocabulary. I cannot stress the importance of your child reading each night enough. Please take the time to discuss the language and ideas from what your child is reading.  
Homework will begin next week and it will be posted to the blog. Homework will include specific spelling lists to your child’s needs, basic facts general practice and reading every week. It may also include topic, RE and general interest work. I realise that many children have after school activities and, at times, it is difficult to manage homework as well. It is expected that all children will select their own reading novels and spend at least 20 minutes reading each night. Children who are on the home reading programme should make this reading their priority ahead of other classroom homework.

There are a number of items always needed in a busy classroom. We would welcome donations of:  Ice cream containers, Large T-shirts (for painting), Magazines of all kinds (Cars, Boating, Fishing, Soccer, Children’s and Women’s), Newspapers, Books, Coloured pencils you no longer use and Greeting cards. These will all be gratefully received and well used.

We have a classroom blog which will have notices and messages about our classroom. If you wish to receive emails about new posts on our blog simply put your email address into the field on the main page and you will receive emails each time there is a new posting.  Our blog address is http://room4stmarysrotorua.blogspot.co.nz/

Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any matters you wish to highlight about your child’s learning and their time in Room 4. I would like to take this opportunity to once again welcome you warmly. I hope your child will enjoy the many fun and exciting learning opportunities that they will have this year.

Kind Regards

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