Tuesday 10 November 2015

A camera belonging to a Grandparent was lost at school last Friday. The camera is a Panasonic LUMIX.  It is silver and in a black hard case. There are also a few accessories inside the case - adaptors and memory sticks. The family are very keen to have the two memory sticks returned as these contain precious family photos. Ella in Room 14 would love to hear from anyone who can assist with locating these items.

Monday 9 November 2015

Sunday 1 November 2015

Please bring something to share for morning tea on Friday.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Black Out Day this Friday

We are having a black out day this week please bring a can of food as a donation for the needy.

Monday 19 October 2015

Thursday 15 October 2015

A long cold winter is melting away
 a single flower was spotted today,
The burning sun melts the snow away
leaving little drops of water starting to go away,
The grass is green
flowers are rainbows
the bees are buzzing
making the birds tweet away
 By Tegan and Gracie

Spring Poem

Spring ignites the flames of life,
The flowers are blooming into a pretty sight,
The sun is using all its light,
 to melt the snow from before,
The waves are getting warmer
as they wash against the shore.
Every new season, is there for a reason.
Life keeps changing,
Just keep rearranging.
Bees are buzzing to fields of flowers,
giving the world magical powers.
Animals come out from hibernation,
getting ready for a celebration.

 By Sophie and Claire

 A Spring Poem

It starts to go rainy and gray.
The daffodils start to sway.
The snow starts to melt.
flowers bloom here and near.
the birds begin to sing for spring is here.
 Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
leaves fall from the trees.
the earth turns to mud.
bright and colourful flowers stand tall in the grass.
 As the flowers bloom the animals do to.
new life for all as they dance around in the new fresh air.
 That's how you know spring is here.

 By Jaime and Julia

Spring flowers bright and shiny
Glistening in the sunlight like stars
from outer space
 golden red and yellow petals
dancing in the wind`
ten thousand shades of green
were the colours of the leaves
 the waterfall beside foaming white
like snow a tree of buds is sitting there
tender and green
some have sprouted white and pink
 we yell yippee
we shout hooray
for spring is here today
 no more mittens, boots or gloves
no more snow suits that weigh us down

 By Nevis and Josh
Spring Poems and Art on PhotoPeach

Saturday 19 September 2015

Wooo hooo! Camp tomorrow. Weather isn't looking too great. You will need a raincoat as all activities go ahead regardless of the weather. Remember to bring a big lunch, a drink and something to write with for our first day.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

School Lunches to Return this Term

We are very excited to announce that we have partnered with Pita Pit Rotorua to provide a Healthy, Nutritious, Delicious and Affordable lunch option. Lunches will be available from next Thursday 10th of September 2015. Pita Pit Rotorua have put together a competitive menu for us, including 7 different flavours to choose from ranging from Happy Ham to Falafel, and the full range of salads that are available at their store. They will also be able to provide Charlies Juice Packs, Charlies Sipper Water, Cookies,  Brownie and sliced Apple. A Kids Pita including Lettuce, Cheddar Cheese, a choice of one sauce and two salads will cost $4.50.

Pita Pit will be using the www.lunchonline.co.nz platform for parents to order from. The cut off time for orders is 9.00am on the day, and you can also order in advance for up to 20 days. The lunches will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the remainder of term 3 and term 4. Please go to www.lunchonline.co.nz register your children and link them to St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. Once you have set up your account you will need to make a payment of a minimum of $20 before you can order (credit card or bank account transfer options are available) and then you are set to order from the Pita Pit menu.

The team from Pita Pit Rotorua will came to the school on Wednesday before the launch with samples of some of the salads for the children to try and everyone agreed it was delicious!!

Sunday 23 August 2015

Monday 29 June 2015

Sunday 28 June 2015

Saturday 27 June 2015

Sunday 14 June 2015

Matariki Whānau Night @ Rotorua Museum
Saturday 20 June 2015, 5pm-9pm
Come and celebrate the Māori New Year at Rotorua Museum with Cosmodome Planetarium, Travelling Tuataras, crafts, face painting, music  for a fun family night out.
There will only be 6 sessions of the Cosmodome during the night so book tickets in advance at Rotorua Museum reception. Tickets: Adults: $5, Children (5-15 years): $3, Under 5 years: Free.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Monday 1 June 2015

Healthy Lunches

This week we all entered the healthy lunch competition. We photographed our lunches and then wrote about what was healthy and why, and also what we might substitute for less healthy choices. It was very interesting the many misconceptions that the children had about various foods. This is something that maybe you could talk with your children about at home. Here are our various lunches....some really great ideas for tasty, energy filled foods. CONGRATULATIONS WILLEM FOR YOUR GREAT WRITING AND THIRD PLACE IN THE COMPETITION. Lunches on PhotoPeach

Friday 22 May 2015

Cross Country

Well done to those people in Room 4 who gave it everything on Friday. Congratulations Tae'O for your excellent effort.

Thursday 21 May 2015

RE this week

This week we have been learning about the ascension of Jesus. We watched a short video and make books marks of scripture to remind us of what Jesus said.

"I am with you always to the end of the age"

Saturday 16 May 2015

Can you create the ultimate healthy lunch?
The Health Promoting Team is running a competition to see who can create a really tasty, healthy lunchbox.  This competition is open to all Middle and Senior school students.  You will need to take a photo of your lunch, and write a paragraph to explain why you have chosen to include those items.
Send your photo and explanation to Mrs Todd at 

Closing date – 28 May 2015
The winner in the Middle and Senior school will each win a healthy lunch provided by the school.

Good luck!!

Thursday 14 May 2015

Maths Work this week for the squares

We are working on multiplication and division in class. Some groups are working on one digit by two digit multiplication. Some groups are working on place value multiplication and this group is working on using repeated addition to multiply. We use collaborative boards to work together and to explain how we have calculated a problem. 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Our Autumn Poems on PhotoPeach
Autumn Leaves

Fly little leaves flip and twirl prance and dance skip and trip float and play.
Scamper little leaves, trot all you want
fly,swing, tumble and fall
don't worry if you're better than me.
you can skip and trip which is ok
scamper play and float and flip.
Now the day is almost over
but wait there is still more
you can skip twirl trot and fall
for now its time to say goodbye
now the little leaves sleep in their beds till next summer
so now don't wake them
so “shoo shoo”
By Luuk
 Leaf poem
Play little leaves,
twirl and flip,
fly little leaves,
flip and twirl.
Dance and prance around the tree,
Tumble leaves tumble from the tree.
Come back to me.
float little leaves,
float in the water.
Skip in the log,
skip anywhere,
blow wind blow,
blow the leaves back to the tree.

By Ruby 
An Autumn Leaf Poem

Play little leafs,
dance and prance around the tree,
twirl and whirl skip and flip,
have fun in the rain but don't get ripped,
change into your dresses of red and gold,
float down to the meadow
land in the puddles
and make little ripples.

By Jaime

Friday 1 May 2015

In flanders fields where the poppies grow men once lay there killed by the foe.
Poppies are red the colour of blood blood that our soldiers shed fighting against the foe.
They marched the trenches side by side past all the men who had died.
Families and friends waiting at home for the men who never came back to them.
People are forgetting again i fear for the world.
I fear it will happen again.

By Luke Hall

Thursday 30 April 2015

Come into our class and see our AMAZING ANZAC art work and poems

Lying in the trenches, I can hear the gunshots overhead for the night has just begun. 
On guard all night, then morning duties, tired but this is life. 
Day after day, night after night. 
Blood is spilled, lives are lost. 
Then comes the night we are ambushed. 
There’s a sharp sting in lots of our bodies, we fall to the ground blood all over.

War continues, smoke covered the usually blue sky's. 
The end draws near as more soldiers fall lifelessly to the ground. 
Finally I’m free, home we sail to the green hills and warm food. 
Now today Flanders Field still stands strong with white crosses ,row on row for the soldiers who fell to the ground.

By Sophie Bye.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

On 13 May, Jasmin Jackson from the Heart Foundation will be coming to present a workshop on healthy lunches.   All year 5 and 6 students will be attending and we would like to invite all St Mary's parents to attend.  The presentation will be from 1.30-2.30 in the hall, and I am sure will be very interesting and informative.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Sheryl Todd

Tuesday 24 March 2015


Please bring a spoon and a cup for 
rice day on Friday this week. 

Sunday 8 March 2015

Parent Information Sessions - What is a Google Apps for Education account?What is a Chromebook? Why are we using these in our Year 3-6 classrooms? Friday 13 March 8.45am in the Library Target group: Year 3 or Year 6 parents who haven't been to one of our Google Apps parent information sessions last year. Any parent is welcome to attend. Agenda: What is a Google Apps for Education account?What is a Chromebook? Why are we using these in our Year 3-6 classrooms? Friday 20 March 10am ( once Mass is finished) in the Library or Wednesday 25 March 5.15pm in R14 This is the same session offered twice - one option during the school day an another option after school. Target group: Parents with children in Year 3-6 classes Agenda: How can I assist my child to make use of their Google Apps account for learning purposes?

Saturday 28 February 2015